My Sleep Remedy : Tea

After three years pulling constant all-nighters to get me through fashion school, I find that now I am plagued with an erratic sleep schedule. Nine months after graduation, and I am still occasionally haunted by insomnia. When I have those nights, I find the best thing to do is brew up a pot of tea and read something nice and sleep provoking; like a soothing book of poetry. Now my favorite thing to brew up is chamomile. Not just any chamomile, but spiced chamomile.

Instant Sleep Spiced Chamomile Tea

First, start a kettle brewing. In a large tea pot, place 2 chamomile tea bags (or the loose tea equivalent into your choice of tea infuser), 1 star anise, 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg, 1/2 teaspoon cardamom, 2 tablespoons cinnamon, and 1 tablespoon of sugar or honey. If you don't have a teapot, you can make this in an infuser or a tea ball, but you may have to half the amounts.

When your water is almost at a boil, pour into your tea apparatus. You may want to give it a quick stir to allow the spices to be distributed at least somewhat evenly. Steep for about 3 minutes (this depends on how strong you want your tea; adjust steep time for your individual tastes). For each teacup, pour milk (can be dairy, soy, almond, etc) about 1/4 of the way up, then fill the rest of the cup with tea.

Enjoy with a smidgen of biscuit or bread with butter and many sweet dreams, my friends.

PS - How awesome is that teapot by Richard Notkin?

1 comment:

GCSS Webmaster said...

I should definitely try the chamomile, as I've been having some trouble sleeping. And where can I buy that awesome teapot?