Shoe Love

As it has been far too long since my last post; I decided to make today's post a fun one and share some shoe love. I kind of have an obsession with vintagey things; both as inspiration and the real thing. Behold these vintage inspired and recreated lovelies (they vary from resonable expenditure on a budget to 'oh crap! I just spent all my rent money on shoes!')

Some Vintage inspired Jimmy Choos

How Gorgeous are these by Ralph Lauren?

These T-straps are lovely!

These are adorable!They are called the Bergman by Seychelles

Another by Seychelles!

I want a pair of these so much! Too bad they are out of my size!">

These are lovely...

Remix Vintage makes these fabulous 1940s recreations! If you are looking for vintage recreation shoes...this is a great place to find them.">

Well, this last pair of shoes has no obvious vintage ties...but they sure are fun!Yes! Alexander McQueen!

That should brighten up your Saturday!

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